Not very often do I get to brag on Brady and his soccer team. They have gone trough a lot of growing pains in the last year.
Not being able to pull out a win all season. (some games were so close!!!) This Saturday they won!!! 3-1!!!
The other team was not happy at all! That made it even more sweet!
Of course, Bryan and I were tag team parenting on Saturday. Conner had to get to his game 20 minutes after Brady's game began so I didn't get to see the game. Of course!!!
Conner's team won too.
Kenzie team lost 0-1 but won a tough scrimmage on Sunday!
Just had to share Brady's happy news!
Go Goof! Must be all that Diet Coke for breakfast. Even earned you a plate of cheese fries. Now that's good eatin'! (BTW, nice jacket.)
I am so glad you visited my somewhat limited blog. I am trying to get better at writing more often, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading yours! Kiss my little sweetie for me.
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